Friday, July 3, 2020

Very first egg

Seven weeks ago chicken Anna was born in a breeding machine. Anna called out for company loudly. In the mean time she enjoyed sitting in my neck, often behind my left ear.

Maritha's breeding place must be too small for her,
that she chose this chair instead.
So the new one has to be a little bit wider then this chair.

Looking to find a little 'sister' for Anna started and one week later chicken mother Maritha with her one to two day olds moved in.

Working hard

Since then the little ones have grown immensely. It won't take long and they will be as big as their mum.

'Finally done, but where are my kids?'

The small ones differentiate as follows:
3 of the 5 have white legs
2 of 5 have orange legs
3 have a red comb
2 have a yellow comb
1 to 2 tails are upwards
4 to 3 tails are downwards
So maybe the flock consists of 2 little females and 3 little males beside Maritha?

Running to eat fermented oats

Today Maritha wanted to come inside the house, making a lot of noise. What did the noise mean I wondered? After an orientating walk inside, Maritha chose to climb on an upside down kitchen chair, throwing the papers on the chair and herself, around and around.  When she finally calmed down she started making 'pressing' noises.

Danny, the brown one, is always the last one getting food

Fifteen minutes later Maritha had laid her first egg here on the farm, brown in color and 56 grams in weight.

'So great, the first egg'

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