Saturday, February 29, 2020

My food forest plants, part 2

From spring 2020:

This page will be updated with more information continuously.

Fermenting Oats and Barley to feed the chickens with, at 12 minutes into this youtube about
Polar Temperate Permaculture from Alaska. Many interesting permaculture things used here:

Jesse Holms Homestead about his Plants in Cool Temperate Climate in Canada.
Even Paw Paw, Pecan and Persimmon here. He uses human hair against Deer, and urine against Rabbits. I myself use just loose 'hvittløk' around my young fruit trees against Mice.

Source SB06:

3x Juglans Mandschurica, Manchurian walnut, Manchuriaanse walnoot, Mandsjurvalnøtt
20x20 m. Stratification needed. Because of tap root plant as soon as possible on permanent spot. In full sun, in well drained soil, or moist well drained soil. No shade. A spreading suckering tree. The roots produce Juglon which inhibits some plants. Protect during first winters. Pruning in late summer.
Walnut does well in guild with Clematis, Campanula, Hosta, Jacobsladder, Kamvaren, Crocus, Ajuga Reptans, Pulmonaria and good together in guild with Daphne Mezereum and Astilbe and Sneeuwklokje and Hibiscus.

2x PHYTOLACCA AMERICANA, Pokeweed; Kermesbær
Likes wed environment. Not frost tender.
Eating of young leaves like spinach, before the leaves become poisonous.

2x RIBES DIVARICATUM, Jostabes/Worcesterbes, «Worcesterbær»
200x120 cm. In semi-shade or sun, dry to semi-moist soil. Not frost tender. Thorns. Can grow as a bush or tree. As tree besides a pawl.  Crossing of Kruisbes. Small aramatic blackred berries.

2x RUBUS PHOENICOLASIUS, Japanese wineberry, Japanse wijnbes; Vin-bringebær
Sunny, semi-shade. Moist, well drained soil.

9x5m. Prefers moist, acid soil. In semi-shade or no shade. In rich soil along woodland boarders or streams. Does not do well in poor soil or dryness. Shallow roots near the soil surface.
Fruit, raw or cooked, can be dried. Tastes best after a frost. Antispasmodic bark use.

SAPONARIA OFFICINALIS “Rosa”; Soapwort, Såpeurt (do you know that you can wash with leaves of Hedera (Klimop) too?)

SECALE CEREALE «Mountaineer»; Flerårig rug

ZEA MAYS «Indian Pink and Purple Popcorn»; Mais

Allium Victorialis, Victory onion, Victoria ui, Seiersløk/Alpeløkk
Stratification required, so when you are too late in the season use your refridgerator. No deep sowing. It can take 1 year to spear and several years before you can harvest.

Carum carvi, Careaway/Persian cumin, Kervel?, Karve 
60x30 cm. Well drained moist soil. In semi- or no shade.
Biannual. Not frost tender. Pink flowers in June July.
Young leaves good in salad. Older leaves cooked as spinach.
Seed, raw or cooked; spicy, 20% protein.
Root, cooked. Eating too much of it, can give kidney liver damage.
Soothes the digestive tract when dyspepsi (syreoppstøt). Seeds against bronchitis.

'Monastery' Beans, Kloosterbonen, Klosterbønner
Sowing outside from May 17. 15 cm apart. Can become 3 m high.
Harvest from august until november.

PISUM SATIVUM, «Robinsons Pea» ; Robinson Erwt, Robinson Ert
PISUM SATIVUM «Salmon flowered»; Laks fargede blomster Ert
Mr. Robinson got them from Scotland. Over 2 m high. Long purple pods up to 11 peas, long growing season.
Very sweet and flavorous, even after having been frozen.
Sowing peas in the UK, by Charles Dowding, and then giving them a lot of water.

Chenopodium quinoa, Taiwan quinoa, Taiwaneesche quinoa, Taiwanske quinoa
1.20 (dry climate) - 2.40 m (wet climate) high.
Sow indoors in April, or on direct spot after danger of frost. Low tolerance for cold.
Thin plants until 46 cm apart. Single plant spacing, 60 cm each way. Ripens late, but can be cut and covered to after ripen.
14% protein and  rich in Calcium (23 times as much as in Oats).
You can eat the leaves, as salad or cooked, as well as the seeds.
Also great cut flowers.
Good as dietary food in fighting early colon cancer.
2.4x0.6 m. Perennial. Invasive and allelopathic (inhibiting) to other plants. Sow in spring i a cold frame. Overwinter the first winter in greenhouseIn dry or moist soil. Well drained soil. Not in shade. Can be divided in spring or autumn.  Long time flowering. Seeds in November.
Rich in inulin, which many people have problems to digest. Can be used roasted as a substitute for coffee. 
Great food for chickens and pigs, so great around the chicken area and as fantastic summertime barrieres.
Helps against diabetis and rheumatism.

SIDERITIS SYRIACA, Ironwort/Greek mountain tea, Griekse bergthee, Gresk Fjellte

Source AMM14:

Amaranthus retroflexus, Pigweed, Amarant, Amarant/Majer Kleine
90 cm high. Annual. In moist, well drained fertile soil, not in shade. Sunny. Tolerates drought. A deep rooted plant bringing up minerals from below.
Young leaves, raw or cooked as spinach. Seeds,  can be grounded into a powder or cooked, behaves as Chia becoming gelatinous. Seeds great for chickens.
Leaves tea used against diarrhea. 

Originally from Norway, came back after emigration to the USA. Tigerprint pots.

Mandan squash, Mandan courgette
Heritage native American. Perfect for short growing season in the north.
Thicker skin, can be stored at room temp for months.
Growing squash and pumpkins vertically

Beta Vulgaris, Mangold, Swiss Chart, Bladbete, Mangelwurzel
Sow 10x15 cm wide. Høyt 20cm. Sow outside after last frost. Biennual.
In Guild with Chard, Brussel
Sprouts, Kohlrabi, Onions, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Lettuce, Potato, Tomato, Corn, Eggplant, Pepper. Not with beans.
Moist soil. Rots in wet soil. It will become damaged when the soil dries out. Best with drip irrigation.
In full sun, but not extremely hot at the peak of the day. Use shade cloth if needed.
Fertilise by spraying the leaves weekly with fish or seaweed base spray.
Mulch 2 cm strawor similar around.
Yellow leaves means Potassium deficiency.
Harvest after 4-5 months. Eats like spinach.

2x Shetland kale, kool, kål.
Can get sunburn in spring. Maybe use a cover in spring. Perennial.
Must overwinter inside a glass house.
A vegetable and winter feed for sheep and cattle.

Chenopodium capitatumstrawberry spinach, jordbærspinat
30 cm wide and high.
Has a taproot, which does not like transplanting. So best to sow directly in place. Sowing and harvesting in waves during the whole season, from march until december. This first time I sowed them indoors, so have to see how the transplanting will go.
Alle amarant planter høstes etter «cut and come again» prinsippet. Eat young leaves in salad and cook old leaves. Berries for colorfull salads.
Spreading, but easy to get rid off if you want.

PHASEOLUS VULGARIS «Blauhilde», Snap bean, Blauwe boon, Blå brekkbønne
2 m. Annual. Nitrogen fixer. In moist, well drained soil. Not in shade. Pods up to 27 cm, purple in color. Blue kidney bean.
Seedpods can be eaten raw or cooked. People with autoimmune diseases should not eat them raw. Can be dried and stored for winter use. Can be powered into a protein rich flour. Young leaves can be eaten raw or cooked.
Herbally used against rheumatism, arthritis and more.

PHASEOLUS COCCINEUS «Prizewinner»; Praalbonen, Pralbønner, Runner Beans

2x Asparagus officinalis, Asparge, Aspargus VERDENS ENDE
In guild together with Grape. Grape guild together with Basil.

Source HMT09:

3x Ribes nigrum, Black currant, Zwarte bessen, Solbær

3x Ribes rubrum, Red currant, Aalbes, Rips
1.3x2m.Partial until full sunlight.
In gilde met de Appel. En de Appel weer in een gilde met Bieslook (Allium schoenapra).

3x Ribus uva crispa, Gooseberry, Kruisbes, Stikkelsbær

3x Cherry, Kers, Kirsebær
Does well in guild with Medicago Sativa and Vinca and Asclepias Syriaca/Syrian Milkweed. You can make baby cherry trees from small root peaces.

Source KAA14
Flerårig korn:

BYGG, Hordeum vulgare 'Domen', Barley, 
100x20cm. Monocots. Perennial. Seeding in early spring. Fodder crop. Feed Barley can be seeded later, but will have a lower yield. The minimum soil temperature for seeding Barley is 5 C, but is best between 10 and 20C. Soil with good drainage. Seeding at 4 cm depth. Best Barley with 300 seeds per m2.
Low gluten. Can be fermented into sourdough. 

HAVRE, Avena sativa, Black Oats, Zwarte Haver, Svart havre (fra Toten)
90x10cm. Can be grown as a grain or forage crop. Not highly shade tolerant, but tolerates drought. Not cold hardy.  Seeding in early spring. Seeding depth at 3 cm. No-tillers high biomass as a cover crop during winter, improving soil structure. Highest Nitrogen cereal. Oats for hay. Can become invasive in some areas.
Low gluten. Rich in iron, zinc and manganese. Good for the brain, against reumatism and good for sex.

RUG, Secale cereale, Rey, WinterRogge, Svedjerug
180x10cm.  Perennial. Nursing crop for LEGUMES during fall and winter.
During spring Rey provides support for climbing LEGUMES. Cross pollinates. Not in shade. Best in well drained and sunny soil. Seeding in June, at less then 4-5 cm depth. 
Planted in the fall, providing a cover crop during winter, still growing with some sunshine. Inhibits Poppies.
A cereal grain. Low in glutenCan be sprouted for salads. Animal fodder.  

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