Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Temporary garden

During august september plant schools here in Norway start selling their trees and other greens for less and less. For me the time to start buying fruit trees and nitrogen fixers. The first one just advertised half price for everything.
A lady on fb asked if someone wanted her blueberry bushes she was going to throw out. I did. And now they are in the ground, on their temporary place. With some compost around them.

Busy with other important things I bought 10 m3 grass soil, which also can be used for other greens, and put it here on the north side with only an opening to the south. The coming months will give me time to read, think and decide where the permanent place for what I buy this autumn and move from my today garden, will be.

Yesterday I found out that from here, to the left, is the soil slowly going upward to the north. Many years ago this northern area was used by sheep. So this should be fertile land. Today this piece of land is taken over by the forest. Leaving me with the question: to cut those trees, or not?

Things keeping my mind busy are: Is the ground too wet? How to lead the water trough the food forest? How to keep too much water (small fosses) coming down from the hills partly away from the food forest? Fruit trees with wet feet... and frost? What to do? Time will tell.

The temporary garden at January 29.

Fabric around the trees against Moose
It looked like Spring is coming early this year.
Around the plants garlic, loose on top of the earth, against Mice.

New animals on the farm

Last week Bo, from Bonanza, or just Beau, came to the farm. He will be catching many mice coming winters and is already exercising taking fa...